Feat Name | Reason for Removal |
Dual-wield | Removed the hardcoded feat to allow rangers more customization in their builds. See Ranger Changes. |
Crafting Feats | Removed in favor of Haze's own Crafting System |
Expertise | Removed to prevent having to balance around a Best in Slot Tank feat. |
Improved Expertise | See above |
Shield Proficiency | Removed to allow armor proficiency to stand in place of Shield Proficiency. See Mechanical Changes. |
Feat Name | Description of Modification |
Ambidexterity | Reduces penalties when fighting with two weapons. The normal penalty for the primary hand is reduced to -4 (from -6), and the off-hand is reduced to -4 (from -10). Best results achieved if the off-hand weapon is light, reducing the penalty further. |
Saltborne's Sonata (formerly Bard Song) | Provides different effects based on the instrument used. Grants +1 AB and +1 damage to all non-enemies within 30ft of the bard. Additional bonuses vary depending on the instrument held, with various situational effects such as increased concentration, spell resistance, and saving throws. |
Circle Kick | Prerequisite altered to require monk 3, and 6 ranks of acrobatics. |
Divine Shield | Allows a character to add their Charisma bonus to their armor class for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma bonus +3 rounds. Prerequisite altered to remove 'power attack' and added 'paladin 1'. |
Divine Might | Enables spending a turn undead attempt to add Charisma bonus to weapon damage for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma bonus +3 rounds. Prerequisite altered to include 'paladin 1', remove 'power attack'. |
Favored Enemy (--) | Can only be selected at first level. Grants a +1 AC and +1 AB bonus against the favored enemy, and these bonuses do not improve with levels. Removes the ability to select additional favored enemies every 5 levels. |
Luck of Heroes | Provides a +1 bonus on all saving throws and slightly increases the chance to self-stabilize while bleeding out. |
Power Attack | The attack bonus was altered from +5 to +3, with an attack roll penalty reduced from -5 to -2. |
Improved Power Attack | Allows trading a -4 penalty on attack rolls for a +6 damage bonus, instead of the original -10/+10. |
Trackless Step | Grants a +2 competence bonus to hide and move silently checks in wilderness areas (reduced from +4). |
Turn Undead | Adjusted requirements, increased base uses. |
Extra Turning | Decreased bonus uses. |
Lay on Hands | Uses turn undead charges, reduced healing amounts. |
Two-Weapon Fighting | Reduces the penalties for fighting with two weapons. The penalty becomes -2 for the primary hand and -6 for the off-hand. When combined with Ambidexterity, it further reduces the attack penalty for the second weapon by 4 (to -2/-2). |
Ascetic (formerly Silver Palm) | Provides a +2 bonus on Survival and Influence checks and must be taken at the 1st level. |
Use Poison | Changed from a class feat to a general feat available every three level-ups. Prerequisites altered to require dexterity 13+ and rogue 1. Allows the application of ingestible poisons with a +2 DC. |
Weapon Finesse | Removed the base attack bonus requirement of +1, making it available with no prerequisites. |
Whirlwind Attack | Adjusted the base attack bonus requirement to +6 (previously +4) and removed 'expertise' as a prerequisite. |
Wild Shape | Wild Shape on Haze features new unique stats for each shape. |
Zen Archery | Adjusted the base attack bonus requirement to +1 (previously +3). |
Toughness | Added a temp HP bonus on rest. |
Blooded | Added a Listen Bonus. |
Bullheaded | Reduces critical hit damage by 20% |
Strong Soul | Prevents suffering from Near Death Experience. |
Snake Blood | Treats you as one size smaller for Squeeze Checks. |
Enchant Arrow | Allows selection as part of the level up process with pre-reqs rather than locked behind a prestige class |
Improved Parry | No longer gives +4 to parry checks, but instead allows you to parry more attacks per round than you normally could. |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Athletic | +2 Bonus to Climb/Jump checks. | Strength 13+, Dexterity 13+ | Automatic |
Battle Caster, Trained | -15% Arcane Spell Failure. | Cast 0-level spells, Strength 13+, 4 Spellcraft ranks, Light Armor Proficiency | Automatic |
Battle Caster, Advanced | -30% Arcane Spell Failure (replaces Trained version). | Cast 0-level spells, Strength 13+, 5 Spellcraft ranks, Battle Caster (light), Medium Armor Proficiency | Automatic |
Battle Caster, Expert | -45% Arcane Spell Failure (replaces Trained and Advanced versions). | Cast 0-level spells, Strength 13+, 6 Spellcraft ranks, Battle Caster (medium), Heavy Armor Proficiency | Automatic |
Combat Medic | Allows stabilizing even with enemies nearby without requiring a concentration check. | 6 Ranks in Heal | Automatic |
Craft Focus | +2 Effective Craft Level (ECL) bonus to a chosen craft. | Intelligence 12+, Wisdom 12+ | Automatic |
Expert Innovator | Bonus to Eureka rolls equal to hit dice of character. | Intelligence 15+ | Automatic |
Green Thumb | +2 bonus on Knowledge: Nature and Survival checks. | Can only take at 1st level | Automatic |
Hunter | +2 bonus to harvest parts from creatures and higher chance of finding usable parts. | 2 ranks in Survival | Automatic |
Luck of the Sea | Increased luck in fishing, and in receiving materials from fish. | 6 survival ranks | Automatic |
Masterful Crafter | Increased chance to create masterwork items. | 3rd level, Natural Crafter | Automatic |
Master Grenadier | Increased DC on throwable consumables. | 15 dexterity, 13 intelligence | Automatic |
Natural Crafter | Gain an additional 8 Craft XP per day. | Can only take at 1st level | Automatic |
Natural Mason | Increased architecture skill and progress on build requests. | 6 ranks in Knowledge: Architecture | Automatic |
Proficient Lumberjack | Increased efficiency in woodcutting, and grants proficiency with wood axes. | Constitution 13+ | Automatic |
Proficient Miner | Increased efficiency in mining, and grants proficiency with pickaxes. | Strength 13+ | Automatic |
Vermin Heart | Use Animal Empathy on Vermin and bond with them as animal companions. | 4 ranks in Animal Empathy | Automatic |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Dissonant Chord | Causes arcane spell failure in the listener. | Bard, Curse Song | Selected |
Dryad's Ditty | Allows the Bard to heal in an area of effect radius | Bard | Selected |
Gwaerim's Glee | Increases the movement speed of the Bards allies | Bard | Selected |
Kal'ahn'dur’s Call | Provides damage immunity to the Bards allies | Bard | Selected |
Mistwood's Maddening Tune | Allows the Bard to damage an enemy with sonic damage. | Bard, Curse Song | Selected |
Elidion's Four Seasons | A Bard song that provides varying buffs depending on the season. | Bard | Selected |
Requiem for the Wode | A Bard song that summons echoes of former residents of the island. (Channeled Song) | Bard | Selected |
Lilly's Alluring Lullaby | A Bard song that allows you to crowd control a single target (Channeled Song) | Bard 3, Curse Song, charisma 15 | Selected |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Divine Conduit I | Gain an additional cantrip spell slot. | Cleric 1 | Automatic |
Divine Conduit II | Gain an additional cantrip spell slot. | Cleric 2, Divine Conduit I | Automatic |
Divine Conduit III | Gain an additional 1st-level spell slot. | Cleric 3, Divine Conduit II | Automatic |
Divine Rebuke | Expend a charge of Turn Undead to deal divine damage to enemies in range. | Pure Cleric 1st level | Selected |
Faith Healing | Conjuration healing spells heal more for aligned faith members. | Pure Cleric 1st level | Automatic |
Sacred Purification | Spend three Turn Undead attempts to heal allies within 30 feet. | Pure Cleric 2nd level | Selected |
Litany of the Faithful | Use Turn Undead to cast Bless (day) or Sanctuary (night) based on time of day. | Pure Cleric 2nd level | Selected |
Summoner's Yoke | Use turn undead to cast cure light wounds on summoned creatures, companions, or pets. | Pure Cleric 2nd level | Selected |
False Faith | Pretend to be a Cleric of another power without deity repercussions. | Pure Cleric 2nd level, Trickery, Illusion, or Chaos domain | Automatic |
Faith be Our Shield | Grant temporary hit points to allies using Turn Undead. | Pure Cleric 2nd level, Healing, Protection, Beauty, Strength, or Creation domain | Selected |
Star Crossed Blessings | Gain a mirror image duplicate using Turn Undead. | Pure Cleric 2nd level, Knowledge, Magic, Night & Stars, Trickery, or Illusion domain | Selected |
Blessed be the Vestments | Gain Monk AC benefits while unarmored, adding wisdom modifier to armor class. | Cleric 3 | Automatic |
Sacred Ward | Use Turn Undead to place a glyph of warding effect on the ground. | Pure Cleric 3rd level | Automatic |
Gospel of the Blades | Use Turn Undead to add +1 AB and +1 divine damage to self and nearby allies. | Pure Cleric 3rd level, Protection, Strength, or War domain | Selected |
Gospel of the Wayward | Increase speed and reflex saving throws using Turn Undead. | Pure Cleric 3rd level, Travel, Hunt, Water, or Storm domain | Selected |
Gospel of Thunder | Use Turn Undead to add lightning damage to weapon, knock enemies prone. | Pure Cleric 3rd level, Storm, Air, or Destruction domain | Selected |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Vermin Shape (Minor) | Take the shape of a minor vermin once per day, lasts 1 hour per level. | Druid 3, Vermin Heart | Selected |
Vermin Shape | Take the shape of a vermin twice per day, lasts 1 hour per level. | Druid 5, Vermin Heart | Selected |
Wild Shape (Minor) | Take the shape of a minor animal once per day, lasts 1 hour per level. | Druid 3 | Selected |
Nature's Companion | +3 animal empathy bonus and enhanced bonding with creatures. | Charisma 13+, Ranger/Druid 1 | Automatic |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Armor Specialization | +1 AC bonus every 3 levels (stacks). | Fighter | Automatic |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Extra Ki | Gives you 4 extra ki points per rest. | Monk 1, 15 Wisdom | Automatic |
Slow Fall | Reduces fall damage when near a wall. | Monk 4 | Automatic |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Divine Bond | Summons a Divine Spirit to aid the Paladin in times of need. | Paladin 5 | Selected |
Divine Gaze | Enhances the paladins vision. | Paladin 1, 13 cha | Selected |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Primevale Bond | Grants an extra 1st-level spell slot for early casting. | Wisdom 13+, Ranger 2 | Automatic |
Nature's Companion | +3 animal empathy bonus and enhanced bonding with creatures. | Charisma 13+, Ranger/Druid 1 | Automatic |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Arcane Trickster | +2 Use Magic Device, cantrips, and a special "Mage Hand" ability. | Rogue 4, Intelligence 13+ | Selected |
Dagger Specialist | +1 attack bonus with daggers. | Rogue 4 | Automatic |
Eavesdropper | Enhanced hearing for whispers. Bonus to listen checks. | Rogue 4, Wisdom 13+ | Automatic |
Evasive Maneuver | 3 times per day, gain +2 AC dodge bonus for rounds equal to intelligence modifier. | Rogue 4, Dexterity 15+ | Selected |
Knife Thrower | +1 attack bonus with throwing knives or darts. | Rogue 4 | Automatic |
Lock Savant | +2 Open Lock and can pick locks up to DC 35 without thieves tools. | Rogue 4, Intelligence 13+ | Automatic |
Many-Faces | Create disguise using Perform skill without a kit once per day. | Rogue 4, Charisma 13+ | Selected |
Pickpocket Prodigy | +2 bonus on Pickpocket checks and unlimited use of !steal . |
Rogue 4, Dexterity 15+ | Automatic |
Rogue Dash | Increase movement speed by 50% twice per day. Bonus Feat: Spring Attack | Rogue 4, Constitution 13+ | Selected |
Shadowmelder | +2 to Hide and Move Silently checks in dark conditions. | Rogue 4 | Automatic |
Swashbuckler | Apply Sneak Attack bonus in 1v1 combat. | Rogue 4, Dexterity 13+, Strength 13+ | Automatic |
Underground Medic | +2 bonus on Heal checks using Dexterity if it's higher than Wisdom. | Rogue 4, 2 ranks in Heal | Automatic |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Channel Essence I-III | Use Essence to restore spell slots generated by Manifest Bloodline. | Sorcerer 1 | Selected |
Improved Familiar | Enhances familiar abilities based on master's caster level. | Wizard 3, Sorcerer 1 | Automatic |
Manifest Bloodline | Tap into bloodline magic to gain Essence for spell slots. | Sorcerer 1 | Selected |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Improved Familiar | Enhances familiar abilities based on master's caster level. | Wizard 3, Sorcerer 1 | Automatic |
Eschew Materials | Ignore material component costs when casting cantrips. | Wizard 1 | Automatic |
Feat Name | Description | Prerequisites | Usage |
Elemental Ward | +1 natural armor bonus when standing in the rain. | Water Genasi | Automatic |
Battle Training vs. Everything | +4 dodge armor bonus vs everything. | Svirfneblin | Automatic |
Magical Fortitude | Gain SR equal to 11 + Class Levels | Svirfneblin, Drow, Druegar | Automatic |
Hardiness | Gain a +2 racial bonus to all saving throws | Svirfneblin | Automatic |