For Haze, the team has established certain restrictions on character creation that are aligned with our server's vision.
To ensure the best gameplay experience, we have implemented the following restrictions on character creation:
Dump-Statting refers to the practice of deliberately lowering several stats to below average levels in order to maximize others. This strategy often involves reducing attributes such as INT/WIS/CHA to enhance a character's combat capacity. In order to maintain balance and discourage excessive optimization, Haze has implemented a policy that denies access to the game-world for characters with 2 or more stats below 10.
However, an exception to this rule exists for Half-Orcs, who are allowed to have up to 2 stats below 10.
You cannot have any stat below 6 when trying to enter the world or you will not be able to enter.
Haze only allows the selection of supported races and subraces for character creation. To verify if your desired race is available and not EP locked, please refer to our Races and Subraces page. Creating a character with an unsupported race puts your character at risk of being deleted.
To maintain a mature setting within Haze, any character that does not meet the adult age requirement for their race is not allowed. Creating a character that is not an adult without DM permission may result in the deletion of your character, or ban.
Humans must be 18 +
Dwarves must be 50 +
Elves must be 120 +
Half Elves must be 20 +
Gnomes must be 40 +
Half Orcs must be 18 + (despite some lore stating achieving adulthood at 14)
Halflings must be 21+
Please make sure your character has a proper name, you will be given the opportunity to provide them a descriptive name in game, but do not use things like "The Shadow" or "Flicker", when naming your character. You are free to introduce yourself to anyone using this, or even as a reminder to yourself put your name as Bob "The Shadow" Jones, but your character has a name, even if nobody else will ever know it, and it gives us as Dungeon Masters the chance to use that name in plot if it ever becomes relevant.
Your character starts at Level 2 (or Level 3 with a specific background), at no point in their lifetime have they been a higher level than this. Narumer does not de-level characters, and nobody should have a background that indicates they were at one time a higher level than their starting level.
Unless integral to the existing Forgotten Realms lore, the utilization of real-world cultures is not allowed within the context of the game. This pertains to instances like adopting the identity of "French" or "American" while in-character. Such approaches are best avoided, and players are encouraged to craft character backstories rooted in established geographical regions within the Forgotten Realms universe.
For instance, rather than having a character identify as "Japanese," consider weaving their origins into the mystical lands of Kara-Tur, embracing the rich tapestry of that realm's culture. Similarly, instead of labeling a character as "Brazilian," delve into the vibrant societies of Maztica or anchor their heritage amidst the diverse landscapes of the Vilhon Reach.
Let your character's heritage flourish in harmony with the intricate realms of the Forgotten Realms, such as hailing from the bustling ports of Waterdeep, the enchanting forests of Cormanthor, or the enigmatic deserts of Anauroch. By immersing characters in the boundless possibilities of this fantastical world, players contribute to the authenticity and depth of the collective storytelling experience.
To maintain the immersive and original nature of the game world, Haze enforces a policy that prohibits the creation of characters based on existing pop culture figures from books, movies, video games, and other media.
We encourage players to create unique and original characters that fit within the lore and setting of Haze. This policy helps to preserve the integrity of the game's narrative and allows players to fully engage in the immersive roleplaying experience.
By adhering to this policy, players contribute to a diverse and vibrant community where originality and creativity are celebrated. Let your imagination flourish as you forge your own path in the rich world of Haze, filled with unique characters and captivating stories.
When in doubt, roleplay out your plans for your next level, show intention to progress in a certain direction. This is good advice even if you intend to take a level in your same class again, just show you're continuing to train and practice.
Paladins, Clerics, and Druids have multiclass restrictions as described on their class pages.
Haze imposes no restrictions on multi-classing for your initial concept (which refers to the first two levels selected in the welcome zone) aside from the special restrictions for Paladins, Clerics, and Druids.
However, certain classes require Eminence Points (EP), such as Druids. If you intend to multi-class into a class with an EP cost, ensure that you possess the required EP before selecting that class.
As you progress in HAZE, it is essential to ensure that your new levels reflect your in-game progress and are not solely aimed at maximizing skills without proper roleplay consideration. For example, a Fighter(2) deciding to gain access to Mage Armor without any prior roleplay to showcase their learning of the mystic arts, and subsequently choosing Wizard(1) at level 3. Such an approach, driven purely by metagaming, is discouraged by the Team. Please refer to the process below to seek approval for multi-classing after the initial creation zone.
If you wish to adopt a new class after entering the in-game world, you are required to submit an application. In your application, include the class you wish to pursue, justifications for why your character would choose that class, and provide evidence of your character's "learning" process.
Applications are to be submitted here: Apply here
Lilith joins the Haze world as a level 2 Bard.
As Lilith's character progresses, she realizes the need to acquire combat skills. She submits an application on Discord to take the Fighter class, explaining her character's growth and intention. In the game, Lilith interacts with Zarina, a reputable Warrior in Coffinswode, seeking her guidance to learn the art of Parrying. She starts wearing armor, practices with combat dummies daily, and engages in sparring sessions with others. Some of these events may be observed by DMs, while others may not. Lilith documents her training in her character journal or on the application form.
The DMs review the evidence and confirm that Lilith has embarked on the path of becoming a Fighter.
Lilith joins the Haze world as a level 2 Bard.
The player, feeling bored and desiring more damage, decides to select Rogue because of the Sneak Attack ability. They choose to take level 3 in Rogue without demonstrating any roleplay or learning process associated with performing sneak attacks.
Without any evidence, the DMs revoke the Level 3 Rogue choice.
(All rules are subject to change at the team's discretion.)
To maintain the immersive and unique nature of the Haze world, the following guidelines apply when creating family members, clan members, or close friends:
Group Concepts:
Relatives of Deceased Characters:
Group Concept Size:
Deceased Group Member:
Do not tell us "It's what my character would do", you made your character, it is YOUR duty to make sure it does not violate these rules.
By adhering to these rules, players help ensure that Haze remains a world full of mystery, individuality, and organic storytelling. This fosters unique experiences and dynamic character development for everyone.
Any player who does not log into the game for a consecutive period of 30-60 days will risk losing their character.
Should you find yourself unable to access the game for an extended period, a process has been implemented for reclaiming your character under certain circumstances.
Players who have lost their characters due to inactivity may submit a request to regain them via the Discord's Ticket system. This request should include a compelling story that explains the character's disappearance from the world.
All requests will be subject to DM team approval. We believe that storytelling is at the heart of our gaming experience, and we encourage players to weave their tales within Haze.