"In the dynamic universe of Dungeons & Dragons, theft and recovery are not just acts, but the thrilling waltz between cunning and vigilance. From a subtle pickpocket's brush to the intricate dance of lockpicking, the game unfolds the art of stealth. And in the exhilarating chase of recovery, the truth prevails - not all treasures are guarded by dragons, some lurk in the depths of another's pocket."
Important Note: You cannot use
until you are character level 3, this is to avoid trolling/abuse that had become rampant in new-washers. You should avoid doing crime, or filing for RMs until you hit level 3 as well, to avoid troll characters being created entirely to troll the government/other players.
Theft Before stealing anything be sure to open a DM ticket or notify the DM team of intent so we may have any witnesses, NPC or otherwise, aware of the theft.
Sometimes you want to steal, sometimes you need to catch the thief, these are some of the systems that we have in place to aid both the criminals and the lawfully criminal.
Initially we have started this system off with the recovery method. This allows people to search other people for items that match certain key words. It also allows those who are trying to hide something to attempt to keep items hidden based on their Pickpocket skill. You can keep a number of items that you attempt to hide during a frisk by your pickpocket skill. The difficulty for hiding an item gets higher the bigger the item is, to the point that if you have a 2x4 item (like a scythe) it's a whopping +16 to your pickpocket DC to attempt to hide that thing!
When attempting to hide an item you will roll a Pickpocket check vs a Search check from the searcher, you will know the results of this check, the searcher is unaware of any rolls, and will be unaware you had attempted to hide an item in the first place.
Theft, is something that can be done using the !steal
command, this is the replacement for the PickPocket skill which is disabled. At the time of this writing you can only attempt this once every 24 hours. You set the steal command up much like the frisk command, but you can also include gold
as an item in your attempt, and it will include gold in what it attempts to steal.
Planting, is something that can be done using the !reversesteal
command. This will allow you to immediately target an item in your inventory, and then target a player character. Upon doing so, you will attempt the same checks as if you were trying to steal that item from that character, but upon success, you will have stashed it away into their inventory without their knowledge.
Note that everyone nearby that can see you, also gets a chance to roll to see if they catch you stealing, or reverse pickpocketing.
(Must be at least 3 characters long)!frisk
Every time you frisk someone you will get a general idea of how much gold they have on them, using the below tiers as reference.
Important Note: You cannot frisk while stealthed.
(Must be at least 3 characters long)!steal
The keyword to attempt to steal gold is coin purse
, you can also do gold
, but that risks getting other items that contain the word gold
Stealing can never acquire more than 5% of a targets gold, and no more than 1 item at a time, if you want to be sure you get a specific item, make sure your !steal
is empty and type it as close as possible to the name of the item when doing !steal
Vorpal Sword of the Undying
The bigger an item is, and the more it weighs, will adversely affect your pickpocket roll, allowing them more of a chance to see you in the act. If you are caught in the act, you can be perma'd, so you should be very careful who you pickpocket.
You cannot pickpocket AFK players, NPCs (without a DM), or if your target is currently bleeding out.
You can only pickpocket 1 target per 24 hours, failures included. The only exception is if you or they move before the 12 seconds it takes to pickpocket someone and you get a failure due to distance from target.
then target the item in your inventory you want to put in someone's bag. Then target the person you want to try to slip it into their bag.This command is much simpler, in that there is no previous setup required, but you are still required to be near the target for 12 seconds without the target moving, in order to pull this off. This requires an exceptional amount of planning, but on success, and if nobody sees it, you could very well frame your frienemy for something you did, or a friend of yours did. Use wisely.
The bigger an item is, and the more it weighs, will adversely affect your pickpocket roll, allowing them more of a chance to see you in the act.
You cannot plant items on AFK players, NPCs (without a DM), or if your target is currently bleeding out.
Haze using a custom variation on the NWN Lockpicking System. You will need a pair of thieves tools in order to attempt to pick any lock.
You will get a bonus to your lockpick attempt equal to your sneak attack dice, so if you are a level 5 rogue, you will get a +3d6
to your lockpick roll.
The formula for lockpicking success is as follows:
1d20 + Open Lock + INT + Sneak Attack Dice (d6s) + Any bonus from thieves' tools used + Any bonuses from feats, items or potions.
When picking locks, each lock has a specific number of "Tumblers" related to the DC of the lock.
This is the number of succesful rolls you need to make in a row in order to pick the lock. (These are no longer Auto20 Rolls) Failure expends a charge on your thieves tools (they default to 10 charges each), and leaves evidence behind of a tampered lock. This evidence can then be traced back to the thieves tools that were used if someone were to track the evidence down. Thieves tools can be crafted, bought, or found in loot.
Thieves tools are required for lockpicking, they range from +1 to +10, and can be crafted by Tinkerers. They typically begin with 10 charges, and expend 1 charge on failure of a lockpicking attempt.
They are also available in Flotsam, and most non-primitive loot tables including crypts, and ruins, as well as some monstrous races loot tables like goblins and kobolds.
If you begin frisking someone, all they need to do is move more more than 3 meters from where the frisking started, and the entire frisk will be stopped. This means, if someone is refusing to be frisked, you may need to Subdual them to prevent them from being able to move away.
The search is a substring search, so if you search for gem
it will find anything with the letters gem
in unison. This includes "Gem of True Seeing" "Gems of the Lost Arc", and even "Gemini's are the worst sign". We also ask that you do not use this to try to get a full list of everything in someone's bag, by adding as many variants of common sub strings as possible, if you are found to be doing this, it may result in a ban for you.
At any time, these rules may change, and further restrictions may be imposed if we find frisking, or the other mechanics are being abused.