Players who violate community trust, use guilty knowledge, constitute out-of-character knowledge for in-character understanding, exploit known bugs and server-, module-, or game-related errors, which is overall inconsistent with the spirit of our Philosophy are metagaming.
Metagaming - to a degree - is going to happen. As a healthy human being, you simply cannot forget what your previous character knew, or what other characters have told you, where resource locations are at, and what monsters are tough. It becomes a problem when you explicitly exploit this information in a manner that is detrimental to roleplay.
For example:
Doing any of the above, or any other form of metagaming at the discretion of a DM, may result in loss of EP, retirement of character, and/or banning.
Players caught metagaming may be Warned by Dungeon Masters. This serves as a friendly reminder. Players should explain their circumstances to Dungeon Masters if they feel as though they were not metagaming. Players are also encouraged to report others’ metagaming to Dungeon Masters via the forums, Discord or in-game TELL.
🔥 A player fearing retribution may always report their concerns to the DM Lead.
Players may be Reinstated. Reinstatement includes actions by a Dungeon Master to "roll-back" a character if there was evidence of a player misusing a feature or exploiting a bug or error. For example, a player character has fifteen linen hoods by exploiting a crafting bug that required no ingredients to craft.
Death. In some circumstances, characters may be "killed-off" if any evidence is discovered of players exploiting a known bug, or OOC game mechanic (such as logging off just before an enemy can kill you.) that would have otherwise led to the character's Permadeath.
Finally, the player may be temporarily or permanently banned. Reoccurring and habitual violations of integrity and trust may result in a player being banned from the server.