These are the current adjustments to the Cleric Domains and their bonus spells and special abilities. Please note this list can change at any time and is just provided as a reference.
Important Note: These domains are currently being modified, and re-worked, including new domains. These can be changed at any time without warning, please follow the module release notes on Discord to stay appraised of any changes.
Cleric domain | Special ability | Spell level 1 | Spell level 2 | Spell level 3 |
Air | Turn Ele + Electrical Resistance 2 | Jarvin's Galestrike | Gust of Wind | Lightning Bolt |
Animal | Animal Language if taken before entering game world; and Enhanced Animal Summons (+2 to Summon Physical Stats) | Aspect of the Wolf | Cat's Grace | Dominate Animal |
Death | Negative Plane Avatar*** | Stone bones | Death Armor | Vampiric Touch |
Destruction | Turn Constructs | Horizikaul's Boom | Gedlee's electric loop | Stinking Cloud |
Earth | Turn Ele + Acid Resistance 2 | Orb of Acid, Lesser | Lesser Stoneskin | Mestil's acid breath |
Evil | Turn Outsiders | Negative Energy Ray | Lesser Stoneskin | PASSIVE: Gains DR 1/- against creatures that are not Evil aligned |
Fire | Turn Ele + Fire Resistance 2 | Orb of Fire, Lesser | Flame Weapon | Rosewind's Scorching Spirits |
Good | Turn Outsiders | See Invisibility | Lesser Stoneskin | PASSIVE: Gains DR 1/- against creatures that are not Good aligned |
Healing | Empowered Healing | -- | Cure Serious Wounds | -- |
Knowledge | Spell Like Ability: Identify 3/Day | Lighten Object | Knock | Clairaudience / Clairvoyance |
Magic | Spell Like Ability: Minor Spell Mantle 1/day | Mage Armor | Melf's Acid Arrow | Negative Energy Burst |
Plant | Turn Vermin | Nature's Boon | Barkskin | -- |
Protection | Divine Protection 2/day | Mage Armor | Aid Mass | -- |
Strength | Spell Like Ability: Bull's Strength 2/day | Enlarge Person | PASSIVE: Gains +1 Damage | Divine Power |
Sun | Exceptional Turning | Continual Flame | Searing Light | -- |
Travel | Passive: Ignore Difficult Terrain | Expeditious Retreat | Web | Freedom of Movement |
Trickery | **Divine Trickery (modified) 2/day | Blur | Invisibility | Invisibility Sphere |
War | Battle Mastery 2/day | Balagarn's iron horn | Cat's Grace | Heroism |
Water | Turn Ele + Cold Resistance 2 | Fog Cloud | Water Breathing | Crushing Deluge |
Chaos * | Immune (spell: hold person) | Color Spray | Cloud of Bewilderment | Confusion |
Law * | Immune (spell: confusion) | Hold Person | Clarity | -- |
Darkness * | Immune (spell: darkness) + Spell Like Ability: Ultravision | Darkness | Blindness/deafness | Death Armor |
Fate * | 10% concealment | Listening Post | Mind Spike | Clairaudience/Clairvoyance |
Illusion * | Disguise Self 3/day | Color Spray | Blur | Hypnotic Pattern |
Moon * | Turn Shapechangers | Glitter Dust | Remove Curse | Greater Magic Weapon |
Renewal * | Resilience* | Charm Person | Remove Disease | Heroism |
Storm * | Electrical Resistance 5 | Shocking Grasp | Lesser Lightning Bolt | Call Lightning |
Time * | 10% bonus move speed | True Strike | Slow | Haste |
Luck * | Bonus Feat: Luck of Heroes | Grease | Remove Curse | Heroism |
Night & Stars * | Passive: You gain 10% additional experience from exploration nodes. | Magic Missile | Sleep | Hypnotic Pattern |
Hunt * | Bonus Feat: Hunter | Aspect of the Wolf | Gathered Swarm | One with the Land |
Beauty * | Spell Like Ability: Eagle's Splendor 2/Day | Charm Person | Cloud of Bewilderment | Charm Monster |
Creation * | Bonus Feat: Natural Crafter | Animate Weapon, Lesser | Tenser's Floating Disc | Keen Edge |
Pestilence * | Disease Immunity (Still can infect) + Spell Like Ability: Acid Splash 3/Day | -- | Contagion | Poison |
*Resilience: Once per day, if you fall below 0 hit points, you regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier.
**Divine Trickery: Bonus to hide, persuade, search, disable trap, move silently, open lock, and pick pocket checks equal to 2 per 1 cleric levels. This effect lasts for 5 turns + the cleric's charisma modifier.
**Bonus Feats: These bonus feats are applied as an EFFECT, and will not help you meet pre-reqs for any feat that has them as a pre-req.
***Negative Plane Avatar: The creature created from this differs from standard NWN, the most notable difference though is that it is NOT Undead, it is an Outsider.
Important Note: All "Spell-like-Ability" powers, are self-cast only except for pestilence
On the Haze server, we strictly adhere to the Forgotten Realms setting. Therefore, only deities from the Forgotten Realms lore are authorized for use in the game. Clerics on Haze must select domains that are appropriate and in line with the proper domains associated with the deities of the Forgotten Realms. If you have any questions or need assistance in setting up your cleric's domains correctly, please consult a DM who will be able to provide guidance and ensure compliance with the server's rules and lore. If your cleric has incorrect domains, you will be asked to suicide.
For any additional questions or further information about the deities in the Forgotten Realms setting, I recommend checking out the FR Wiki. It is a valuable resource where you can find detailed information about the deities and expand your knowledge on the subject. Whether you're looking for specific deity details or simply interested in exploring the rich lore of the Forgotten Realms, the FR Wiki is a great place to start your research.
Important Note: If you choose to make a Cleric using a deity that is not on this list, or domains not listed, you risk your character being deleted. If a Deity does not have at least 2 domains listed, and you want to follow that Deity as a Cleric, file a ticket in Discord to work with the DM team to determine suitable domains from within what NWN/Haze has to offer.
Deity | Gender | Domains |
Abbathor | m | Evil, Trickery |
Aerdrie Faenya | f | Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, Storm |
Akadi | m | Air, Travel, Trickery, Illusion |
Angharradh | m | Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Protection, Renewal |
Anhur | m | Good, Strength, War, Storm, Chaos |
Arvoreen | f | Good, Protection, War, Law |
Auril | f | Air, Evil, Water, Storm |
Azuth | m | Magic, Knowledge, Illusion, Law |
Baervan Wildwanderer | m | Animal, Good, Plant, Travel |
Bahamut | m | Air, Good, Protection, Storm, Luck |
Bahgtru | m | Evil, Strength, Chaos |
Bane | m | Destruction, Evil, Law |
Baravar Cloakshadow | m | Good, Protection, Trickery, Illusion |
Berronar Truesilver | m | Good, Healing, Law |
Beshaba | f | Evil, Trickery, Chaos |
Brandobaris | m | Travel, Trickery, Luck |
Callarduran Smoothhands | m | Earth, Creation |
Chauntea | f | Animal, Good, Plant, Protection, Renewal |
Clangeddin Silverbeard | m | Good, Strength, War, Law |
Corellon Larethian | m | Good, Magic, Protection, War, Chaos |
Cyric | m | Destruction, Evil, Illusion, Chaos, Trickery |
Cyrrollalee | f | Good, Law |
Dallah Thaun | f | Chaos, Knowledge, Luck, Trickery |
Deep Duerra | f | Evil, War, Law |
Deep Sashelas | m | Good, Knowledge, Water, Chaos, Protection |
Deneir | m | Good, Knowledge, Protection |
Dugmaren Brightmantle | m | Good, Knowledge, Chaos, Creation |
Dumathoin | m | Earth, Knowledge, Protection, Creation |
Eilistraee | f | Good, Moon, Night & Stars, Chaos, Hunt, Beauty |
Eldath | f | Good, Plant, Protection, Water |
Erevan Ilesere | m | Trickery, Chaos, Luck |
Fenmarel Mestarine | m | Animal, Plant, Travel, Chaos |
Finder Wyvernspur | m | Chaos, Renewal |
Flandal Steelskin | m | Good, Creation |
Gaerdal Ironhand | m | Good, Protection, War, Law |
Garagos | m | Destruction, Strength, War, Chaos |
Gargauth | m | Evil, Trickery, Law |
Garl Glittergold | m | Good, Protection, Trickery, Law, Creation |
Geb | m | Earth, Protection, Creation |
Ghaunadaur | m | Evil, Chaos |
Gond | m | Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Creation |
Gorm Gulthyn | m | Good, Protection, War, Law |
Grumbar | m | Earth, Time |
Gruumsh | m | Evil, Strength, War, Chaos |
Gwaeron Windstrom | f | Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Travel |
Haela Brightaxe | f | Good, War, Chaos, Luck |
Hanali Celanil | f | Good, Magic, Protection, Chaos, Magic, Beauty |
Hanseath | m | Chaos, Strength, Travel, War |
Hathor | f | Good, Moon, Night & Stars |
Helm | m | Protection, Strength, Law |
Hoar | m | Fate, Law, Travel |
Horus-Re | m | Good, Sun, Law |
Ilmater | m | Good, Healing, Strength, Law |
Ilneval | m | Destruction, Evil, War |
Isis | f | Good, Magic, Water, Storm |
Istishia | f | Destruction, Travel, Water, Storm |
Jergal | m | Death, Fate, Law |
Kelemvor | m | Death, Fate, Protection, Law, Travel |
Kiaransalee | f | Chaos, Death, Evil |
Kossuth | m | Destruction, Fire, Renewal |
Labelas Enoreth | m | Good, Knowledge, Chaos, Time |
Laduguer | m | Evil, Magic, Protection, Law, Creation |
Lathander | m | Good, Protection, Strength, Sun, Renewal |
Lliira | f | Good, Travel, Chaos, Beauty |
Lolth | f | Destruction, Evil, Trickery, Darkness, Chaos |
Loviatar | f | Evil, Strength, Law |
Lurue | f | Animal, Good, Healing, Chaos |
Luthic | m | Earth, Evil, Healing |
Malar | m | Animal, Evil, Strength, Chaos, Moon, Night & Stars, Hunt |
Marthammor Duin | m | Good, Protection, Travel |
Mask | m | Evil, Trickery, Darkness |
Mielikki | f | Animal, Good, Plant, Travel |
Milil | m | Beauty, Good, Knowledge |
Moradin | m | Earth, Good, Protection, Law, Creation |
Mystra | f | Good, Knowledge, Magic |
Nephthys | f | Good, Protection, Chaos |
Nobanion | m | Animal, Good, Law |
Oghma | m | Knowledge, Travel, Trickery, Luck |
Osiris | m | Death, Good, Plant, Law |
Red Knight | m | War, Law |
Rillifane Rallathil | m | Good, Plant, Protection, Chaos |
Savras | m | Knowledge, Magic, Fate, Law |
Sebek | m | Animal, Evil, Water |
Segojan Earthcaller | m | Earth, Good |
Sehanine Moonbow | f | Good, Knowledge, Travel, Chaos, Moon, Night & Stars |
Selûne | f | Good, Protection, Travel, Chaos, Moon, Night & Stars |
Selvetarm | m | Evil, War, Chaos |
Set | m | Air, Evil, Magic, Darkness, Law, Pestilence |
Shar | f | Evil, Knowledge, Darkness |
Sharess | f | Good, Travel, Trickery, Chaos, Beauty |
Shargaas | m | Evil, Trickery, Chaos, Darkness |
Sharindlar | f | Good, Healing, Chaos, Moon, Night & Stars |
Shaundakul | m | Air, Protection, Travel, Chaos |
Sheela Peryroyl | f | Air, Plant, Beauty |
Shevarash | f | War, Chaos |
Shiallia | f | Animal, Good, Plant, Renewal |
Siamorphe | m | Knowledge, Law, Pride (Substitute - Beauty Domain) |
Silvanus | m | Animal, Plant, Protection, Water, Renewal |
Solonor Thelandira | m | Good, Plant, War, Chaos |
Sune | f | Good, Protection, Chaos, Beauty |
Talona | f | Destruction, Evil, Chaos, Pestilence |
Talos | m | Destruction, Evil, Fire, Storm |
Tempus | m | Protection, Strength, War, Chaos |
Thard Harr | m | Animal, Good, Plant, Chaos |
Tharmekhûl | m | Creation, Destruction, Fire, War |
Thoth | m | Knowledge, Magic, Travel, Creation |
Tiamat | f | Evil, Law |
Torm | m | Good, Healing, Protection, Strength, Law |
Tymora | f | Good, Protection, Travel, Chaos, Luck |
Tyr | m | Good, Knowledge, Law |
Ubtao | m | Plant, Protection |
Ulutiu | m | Animal, Protection, Law, Water |
Umberlee | f | Destruction, Evil, Water, Chaos, Death, Storm |
Urdlen | m | Earth, Evil, Chaos |
Urogalan | m | Death, Earth, Protection |
Uthgar | m | Animal, Strength, War, Chaos |
Valkur | m | Air, Good, Protection, Chaos |
Vhaeraun | m | Evil, Travel, Trickery, Chaos |
Waukeen | f | Knowledge, Protection, Travel |
Yondalla | f | Good, Protection, Law |
Yurtrus | m | Death, Destruction, Evil, Pestilence |
If you come across a deity that does not have at least two listed domains or if you need assistance in finding suitable domains from the available options in Haze, please feel free to reach out to the DM team. They will be able to help you select two appropriate domains that align with the setting and meet the requirements.