EP-Locked Template Race: 150 EP
They say some Washers drown halfway, cast overboard as Narumer’s shores trembled in the distance. Maybe those damned souls are the most cursed among us. Who knows what would happen if they tried to leave? Rumor has it their minds don’t work the same since they washed ashore - the endless crash of waves always echoing, pulling them back into the depths.
—Jarvik the Chronicler
Template race: If you want to use this subrace, you may pick any non-EP race in the initial character creation screen, but no further sub-race bonuses would apply (but feel free to roleplay as being from a sub-race, such as a sun-elf).
Saltborne are visibly cursed between their shipwreck and arrival on shore. All have experienced drowning as part of their arrival, although the extent varies between characters. Saltborne have a skin color that is a subdued, washed-out colour compared to their original race prior to their arrival on Narumer. For example, the sample image shown could be a half sun-elf.
Other traits that a saltborne could have include a briny, or seaweed scent that never leaves them, marks of their shipwreck that never heal, or an averse presence to animals. Feel free to use your creativity in this, noting that this is not a flashy change in most.
Feel free to consult a DM if unsure!
This template race will incur a +1 ECL modifier.