"In the intricate tapestry of Dungeons & Dragons, identity is not a mere name, but a cloaked dance of intrigue and revelation. Here, a mask is more than a concealment; it's a riddle, a story yet to be told. The game does not just invite you to be someone, it challenges you to become anyone. In this realm, truth is a precious jewel, often hidden under the guise of a thousand faces."
When you first meet someone, their name will be either ''Washer'' or their Default Name they have setup (if any).
Upon learning their name, you will be able to assign them one, this name can be anything. For example, if you talk to a man who introduce himself as ''Redbeard'', you can choose to name him that, or you could also name him ''Guy with a red beard who likes to cook''.
These name have to have a meaning, you cannot use this feature to name someone ''Bob the Builder, 18AC, +8 to Attack'', that would be metagamey.
We do have the means to see all the names assigned by each player and who-to. So please keep that in mind and keep it appropriate, and not Metagamey.
You can do it a couple ways: (1) With a command called !name
, (2) With your eminence wand.
!name {Name you want to give them}
This will turn your cursor into a target allowing you to target the person you are naming.The default name for Everyone is 'Washer', but say you want to be a bit more descriptive, and call yourself 'Red-Haired Woman', you can do that by using the !defaultname
Command. IE:
!defaultname Red-Haired Woman
- From this point forward anyone who meets you that has not assigned you a name, will meet you as 'Red-Haired Woman'Sometimes, you don't want people to know who you are. Whether you're doing something secret, or just like living a double (or triple!) life, who are we to judge?
You can find/craft Disguise Kits in-game, these kits are prepared using the 'Perform' Skill, anyone can prepare your kit for you, and once prepared you can apply a disguise 3 times. Alternatively, you can use the 1st level spell "Disguise Self" to achieve this effect. Disguises last until dispelled/removed, even through transitions.
You can remove the disguise either by casting the spell again, using the 'Rest Menu' (pressing R), or typing !removedisguise
Important Note: Disguises will remain until removed, even through resets. This is true no matter the source of the disguise, from spells or disguise kits, they are only removed when you choose to remove them. People attempt a hidden roll to see through your disguise when examining you, success does not break the disguise, but leaves a note on your examination of who they think you really are, if they know your non-disguised face and/or have it named.
While in your disguise your character has a unique character ID, and others will see a new default name for that character (setup when preparing the disguise). They will then be able to assign that disguise a name as per the identity system. From that point forward they will know your disguise by the name they gave it, and your main persona by the name they gave it. You will want to update your description while wearing a disguise.
Do not abuse this system, DM's still see the real you, and logs still know the main account holder. Do not attack people randomly thinking you will get away with it. You should still follow all server rules while using the disguise system or you face possible Bans.