"In the verdant realms of Dungeons & Dragons, the planting system isn't just about sowing seeds, it's about cultivating a connection with the living tapestry of nature. Every crop, every flower, every tree is a testament to an adventurer's patience, care, and respect for the cycle of life. Here, a humble seed can hold as much potential as a spell, blossoming into a story that only time and tender care can tell."
The Haze world is separated into different regions/climate. These are called 'area designations'. As such, different plants only grow in certain regions/climates. Some plants can grow in different climates and are therefore more common. Other plants prefer a very specific climate (hot, dry, humid, etc.), so they only grow in these regions and are therefore less common. You will not be able to replant wild flora just so, but need some preparation and skill (See Fertilizer).
Please note that the wild flora doesn't ‘highlight' when you hold tab, the only way to be able to interact with them is to be close to them, so you do need to observe your surrounding at all time if you do not want to miss them!
There are different ways to obtain "Fertilizer" as an item. Once you obtain it, you can use it to attempt to grow a plant without depending on a planting zone. The fertilizer system - like the wild flora system - uses area designations. This allows both systems to find what a specific area can grow. For example: If you see a nettle grow wild somewhere, nettle can be planted anywhere in that area with a seed and fertilizer. Whenever you use a seed on the ground in said area, it will do a "Knowledge: Nature" check, to determine if you successfully planted nettle.
If the check is failed, the fertilizer and the seed are both consumed and a red message will appear (see picture below).
If the check is passed, the fertilizer and the seed are both consumed and a green message will appear (see picture below).
Basic fertilizer can be many things, for example: bone meal, creature feces, bat guano, etc.
There are some planting zones, that make it so you don't need anything to plant it. No skill checks are done, and it will always succeed as long as the plant is intended to be planted in those planting zones. These zones are typically for food growing zones, and some other "Crops". You can just replant using the "Uprooted Plant" hole that appears when a plant is harvested from that field. You can remove the hole to place another one by using a shovel or trowel.